The White Walls hold no Darkness.
“White.” She said. “It must all be white.” With that command she received just that. Her entire house was painted white. Everything from the windows to the trim was covered in a flat white paint. When asked why she wanted it white her response was this “It allows the sun to blanket the rooms with natural light. Who doesn’t like the light to shine in when the day begins and be lifted when the night is to begin? These are reminders of when to wake and when to sleep. It’s the natural order. We must appreciate these moments in life.” That seemed like a good reason for painting a house white. But I couldn’t help but ask “What happens on the day the sun isn’t shining?” and the response was “The sun shines everyday. Even on the darkest of days the sun is still there. It’s hidden but it’s there. The white reflects even the hidden rays of light.”
I think this is true with hidden intention as well. Life is busy with the good days and the bad days. On the good days we walk around feeling like kings and queens of the moment. We pat ourselves on the back for the small little victories of the day. We might even for a brief moment appreciate our life as it is. But then the bottom falls out and we begin to slowly feel less appreciate of our life. Doubt begins to creep in and after we know it we are knee deep in self pity. Then we begin to wonder how this happened. How it all came down to this and we fall prey to the role of victim.
We intend to smile everyday. We intend to think good thoughts everyday. We intend to live with passion and remember purpose everyday. We intend on appreciating our life everyday. But these intentions can quickly be absorbed by stress or disappointments. So these great, positive intentions become hidden behind the cloud of life. Without those white walls reflecting the rays of hidden sunshine into our day, its just doom and gloom that fills the space. Everyone knows what happens when the clouds loom for to long, we fall into a depressive state of mind.
So how do we keep our inner rays of light reflecting within everyday? A great beginning is keeping our body clean and in good physical condition. If you have allowed your body to become overweight you may have some good days where you feel like you can walk that extra little bit or keep up with the kids but in the long run your body is breaking down from the inside out. It will catch up to you in the form of some kind of sickness. Whether that sickness is physical or mental it will eventually bring you down to your knees. Your good intention did not start out with the thought of becoming in physical distress by being over weight.
The liver plays a huge role in our overall health. So many emotions become trapped in our liver. Happiness, sadness, stress and joy all end their journey in the liver. The liver is one of the biggest organs in our body so naturally it has a job that is so important we have to respect its duties. The liver creates urine which is important to flushing out toxins through the kidneys and bladder. The liver creates bile which is important for breaking down fats in the small intestine. The liver helps remove harmful toxins that can damage our cells and the liver is the only organ in the body that after doing all this can regenerate cells and repair damage to it self. So when it comes to our health, the liver is a great place to begin. This is one aspect of letting our natural rays of light shine even on the cloudiest of days. Just like the kitchen sink, if you continue dumping grease down the drain day after day you will have a nasty clog on your hands over time. The liver is no different. It controls several functions of the body including the metabolism. Without proper function of the liver, the rest of the organs in the body become compromised. Therefore it causes weight gain, acne, colds and a breakdown of the natural rays of light. That IS the cloud that covers a sunny day.
To begin the process of painting your “lWallsl” white, the liver is the beginning. Nature produces an herb that is so strong and so effective that it can clean out damage to the liver and help the liver to repair damaged cells. This powerful tool is called milk thistle. The extract Silymarin in Milk thistle helps to prevent toxins from damaging the cells. Milk thistle will remove toxins from the liver for elimination. Milk thistle can improve the function of the liver over time. When the liver is cleaned and repaired, the body begins to function on a more stable system. When Milk thistle is used regularly, even on days the sun isn’t shining, you will be in balance enough with your body that you will remain in a sunny mood and on the positive side of the day naturally. Make sure to pick up this wonderful and natural herbal supplement when beginning to put your physical and mental health back on track. Never allow the clouds to block your natural light when nature offers amazing tools to keep our body in a natural flow with life. Milk thistle with its powerful extract Silymarin will remove the unwanted materials collected over time including those dangerous toxins that break down the body.
Jen lamb
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