Do Not Eat your Liver
All these functions I perform regularly and how important they are in the over all health of your body and you just don’t seem to pay attention to me. I am your liver. I create bile to break down fats in your small intestine. I remove harmful toxins. I clean up after you decide to have that beer even when you know better. I am important. Now I demand your respect. I want a liver cleanse. I want my due process of being maintained and cared for. You do not want me to create painful gallstones do you? Because if you do not listen to what I am about to tell, that is exactly what’s going to happen.
The liver is what cleans out toxins in your body from things such as your water or the pollutants in the air. The liver helps break down alcohol that you consume and helps create the urine that flushes it all away. The day your complaining about acne breakouts is because the liver is what helps rid the access testosterone from the body through the creation of bile. Did I mention how important that is? I must mention too, when your gaining weight and do not know why, the liver helps break down fats by doing its job, creating bile. I am just bringing up a few important points because you seem to forget about me so often that its affecting my performance.
Sometimes I wonder if you even know that there are natural solutions to keeping me clean. I would hope you would choose to go natural. Because I have to live inside this body with the rest of my organ friends and we all work together for the same purpose. Your health. So for the sake of us all, you know, your kidneys and bladder and heart, keep us safe by using natural herbal supplements. It is for the best. Since we are on the same page and I have your attention, I am going to list a few key items I need to clean myself out and repair these damaged cells. I am going to add, drink more water too. I mean, your body is 70% water. Just put down the soda and drink more water. Throw a lemon in too, that will help me out by allowing me to release more water retention from all that salt.
The first and most important herb that mother earth offers me for a natural remedy to clean this liver and repair the damaged liver cells is Milk thistle. Man has never once been able to duplicate the power of milk thistle. Not only does it provide an excellent liver cleanse, it repairs the damaged cells in the liver. Milk thistle increases the production of bile which helps break down fats in the small intestine. Wouldn’t you agree it’s important for that to process to happen? Remember what I was saying about acne? Bile helps to remove the testosterone byproducts through your stool. Milk thistle also contains Silymarin. Silymarin is an extract of milk thistle and protects the liver cells from toxins. This protects the liver cells from damage. For instance, the alcohol you consumed. You may not think one or two alcoholic drinks would hurt me, your liver, but over time, it can.
While you’re at it, visit Jen Lambs website. She provides quality organic Milk thistle that is made fresh. Her stuff is made when you order it. It’s not sitting on the shelf for a year. That way we can both rest easy that we are getting the best. Because I am your liver and I deserve the best treatment possible. Because when you treat me well, I will pay you back with health and longevity. I wanted to mention as well. It sure would help if you picked up some dandelion root as well. It’s a natural diuretic and will help me flush out these harmful toxins faster. It’s also high in potassium so your body will receive nutrients while we clean. Your kidneys and bladder wanted me to mention that too. It’s located on the sunshine and herbs website as well and is 100% homemade, natural and organic. So please DO NOT EAT YOUR LIVER. Clean it instead. Thank you.
Your Liver
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