Milk Thistle
There are several benefits to Milk thistle. One of the biggest Milk thistle benefits is how it cleans the liver from dangerous toxins. The milk thistle extract known as silymarin contains powerful properties for which acts on the membranes of the liver cells preventing the entry of dangerous toxins. Silymarin milk thistle extract properties prevent future damage to cells.
The milk thistle herb which contains the milk thistle seeds is a plant commonly mistaken as a weed. This plant puts out beautiful purple flowers with white distinctive markings on the leaves. Milk thistle plant is very common in California and reaches heights up to five feet which may be eaten fresh from the plant. Milk thistle can also be served in early spring as a tonic to relieve winter depression by releasing the pent up emotions stored in the liver.
Milk thistle detox is an excellent way to rid the liver or harmful toxins. Toxic build up in the liver may cause several different symptoms such as acne, constipation, crohns disease and Irritable bowl syndrome. Using a milk thistle supplement may increase the production of bile. Bile helps break down fats in the small intestine which helps to eliminate testosterone by product which is then removed through the stool. Milk thistle extract acts on the membranes of liver cells and prevents the entry of toxins which also prevents damage to liver cells. Milk thistle capsules may help prevent damage caused by alcoholism, cirrhosis, hepatitis, cirrhosis, mushroom poisoning and many other diseases of the liver.
There are virtually no milk thistle side effects. Women taking birth control however should be aware that milk thistle may reduce their effectiveness. The milk thistle extract silymarin stimulates the liver and gallbladder activity so it may have a mild laxative effect. This effect however may only last two to three days.
There are many other benefits to Milk thistle. It works well for gallstones, high cholesterol. iron overload, ovarian cysts, seizure disorder, Parkinson’s disease and psoriasis. To buy milk thistle capsules just click on this link or visit sunshineandherbs.com
Jen Lamb
Sunshine and herbs
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