Detoxing the Liver
I hear so often from clients about being sluggish and tired. The first advice I always give in this case is to look at the eating habits and second is to detox all that junk out and start with a clean slate.
Sometimes it just seems easier to go to Mcdonalds and get the "easy" meal and think about it later. When later comes, your body has already rejected that decision and responds with a less than good result. This is when you become weighed down by the fat content, grease and carbs that are worthless.
I never suggest to stop eating out but there is always a way to do it better. When I meet with new clients i like to first take them to their favorite place and show them how to order a healthy meal. You can eat healthy, or better by simply making a few different choices. In the long run, your body will thank you by providing more energy to make it throught the day.
The second is the detox program. The liver plays a huge role in the way your body breaks down everything and rids itself of the waste. Here is a great blog explaining all the functions of the liver. You will be suprised at what you learn.
One of my biggest selling products is the Milk thistle. Milk thistle is just one part to my three part liver detox program. Milk thistle is an excellent herb used in the treatment of liver diseases such as cirrhosis and liver poisening. Its safe to use daily. There is no pharmaceutical equivalent. Milk thistle also regulates the digestion of fats and helps stabalize blood sugars. It also reduces inflamation of the intestine.
I often recomend milk thistle to recovering alcoholics, smokers and those looking to gain more energy through the cleansing of organs. Its a very effective herb in in helping acne,constipation, Chrohns disease and irritable bowel syndrome.
Visit my website for more information on how you can use nature to help cleanse your body and free you from the sluggish day to day.
Jen Lamb
sunshine and Herbs