Friday, October 15, 2010

Milk Thistle

Milk Thistle

There are several benefits to Milk thistle. One of the biggest Milk thistle benefits is how it cleans the liver from dangerous toxins. The milk thistle extract known as silymarin contains powerful properties for which acts on the membranes of the liver cells preventing the entry of dangerous toxins. Silymarin milk thistle extract properties prevent future damage to cells.

The milk thistle herb which contains the milk thistle seeds is a plant commonly mistaken as a weed. This plant puts out beautiful purple flowers with white distinctive markings on the leaves. Milk thistle plant is very common in California and reaches heights up to five feet which may be eaten fresh from the plant. Milk thistle can also be served in early spring as a tonic to relieve winter depression by releasing the pent up emotions stored in the liver.

Milk thistle detox is an excellent way to rid the liver or harmful toxins. Toxic build up in the liver may cause several different symptoms such as acne, constipation, crohns disease and Irritable bowl syndrome. Using a milk thistle supplement may increase the production of bile. Bile helps break down fats in the small intestine which helps to eliminate testosterone by product which is then removed through the stool. Milk thistle extract acts on the membranes of liver cells and prevents the entry of toxins which also prevents damage to liver cells. Milk thistle capsules may help prevent damage caused by alcoholism, cirrhosis, hepatitis, cirrhosis, mushroom poisoning and many other diseases of the liver.

There are virtually no milk thistle side effects. Women taking birth control however should be aware that milk thistle may reduce their effectiveness. The milk thistle extract silymarin stimulates the liver and gallbladder activity so it may have a mild laxative effect. This effect however may only last two to three days.
There are many other benefits to Milk thistle. It works well for gallstones, high cholesterol. iron overload, ovarian cysts, seizure disorder, Parkinson’s disease and psoriasis. To buy milk thistle capsules just click on this link or visit

Jen Lamb
Sunshine and herbs

Friday, September 17, 2010

White walls hold no Darkness

The White Walls hold no Darkness.

“White.” She said. “It must all be white.” With that command she received just that. Her entire house was painted white. Everything from the windows to the trim was covered in a flat white paint. When asked why she wanted it white her response was this “It allows the sun to blanket the rooms with natural light. Who doesn’t like the light to shine in when the day begins and be lifted when the night is to begin? These are reminders of when to wake and when to sleep. It’s the natural order. We must appreciate these moments in life.” That seemed like a good reason for painting a house white. But I couldn’t help but ask “What happens on the day the sun isn’t shining?” and the response was “The sun shines everyday. Even on the darkest of days the sun is still there. It’s hidden but it’s there. The white reflects even the hidden rays of light.”
I think this is true with hidden intention as well. Life is busy with the good days and the bad days. On the good days we walk around feeling like kings and queens of the moment. We pat ourselves on the back for the small little victories of the day. We might even for a brief moment appreciate our life as it is. But then the bottom falls out and we begin to slowly feel less appreciate of our life. Doubt begins to creep in and after we know it we are knee deep in self pity. Then we begin to wonder how this happened. How it all came down to this and we fall prey to the role of victim.
We intend to smile everyday. We intend to think good thoughts everyday. We intend to live with passion and remember purpose everyday. We intend on appreciating our life everyday. But these intentions can quickly be absorbed by stress or disappointments. So these great, positive intentions become hidden behind the cloud of life. Without those white walls reflecting the rays of hidden sunshine into our day, its just doom and gloom that fills the space. Everyone knows what happens when the clouds loom for to long, we fall into a depressive state of mind.
So how do we keep our inner rays of light reflecting within everyday? A great beginning is keeping our body clean and in good physical condition. If you have allowed your body to become overweight you may have some good days where you feel like you can walk that extra little bit or keep up with the kids but in the long run your body is breaking down from the inside out. It will catch up to you in the form of some kind of sickness. Whether that sickness is physical or mental it will eventually bring you down to your knees. Your good intention did not start out with the thought of becoming in physical distress by being over weight.
The liver plays a huge role in our overall health. So many emotions become trapped in our liver. Happiness, sadness, stress and joy all end their journey in the liver. The liver is one of the biggest organs in our body so naturally it has a job that is so important we have to respect its duties. The liver creates urine which is important to flushing out toxins through the kidneys and bladder. The liver creates bile which is important for breaking down fats in the small intestine. The liver helps remove harmful toxins that can damage our cells and the liver is the only organ in the body that after doing all this can regenerate cells and repair damage to it self. So when it comes to our health, the liver is a great place to begin. This is one aspect of letting our natural rays of light shine even on the cloudiest of days. Just like the kitchen sink, if you continue dumping grease down the drain day after day you will have a nasty clog on your hands over time. The liver is no different. It controls several functions of the body including the metabolism. Without proper function of the liver, the rest of the organs in the body become compromised. Therefore it causes weight gain, acne, colds and a breakdown of the natural rays of light. That IS the cloud that covers a sunny day.
To begin the process of painting your “lWallsl” white, the liver is the beginning. Nature produces an herb that is so strong and so effective that it can clean out damage to the liver and help the liver to repair damaged cells. This powerful tool is called milk thistle. The extract Silymarin in Milk thistle helps to prevent toxins from damaging the cells. Milk thistle will remove toxins from the liver for elimination. Milk thistle can improve the function of the liver over time. When the liver is cleaned and repaired, the body begins to function on a more stable system. When Milk thistle is used regularly, even on days the sun isn’t shining, you will be in balance enough with your body that you will remain in a sunny mood and on the positive side of the day naturally. Make sure to pick up this wonderful and natural herbal supplement when beginning to put your physical and mental health back on track. Never allow the clouds to block your natural light when nature offers amazing tools to keep our body in a natural flow with life. Milk thistle with its powerful extract Silymarin will remove the unwanted materials collected over time including those dangerous toxins that break down the body.

Jen lamb

Monday, July 26, 2010


Do Not Eat your Liver

All these functions I perform regularly and how important they are in the over all health of your body and you just don’t seem to pay attention to me. I am your liver. I create bile to break down fats in your small intestine. I remove harmful toxins. I clean up after you decide to have that beer even when you know better. I am important. Now I demand your respect. I want a liver cleanse. I want my due process of being maintained and cared for. You do not want me to create painful gallstones do you? Because if you do not listen to what I am about to tell, that is exactly what’s going to happen.
The liver is what cleans out toxins in your body from things such as your water or the pollutants in the air. The liver helps break down alcohol that you consume and helps create the urine that flushes it all away. The day your complaining about acne breakouts is because the liver is what helps rid the access testosterone from the body through the creation of bile. Did I mention how important that is? I must mention too, when your gaining weight and do not know why, the liver helps break down fats by doing its job, creating bile. I am just bringing up a few important points because you seem to forget about me so often that its affecting my performance.
Sometimes I wonder if you even know that there are natural solutions to keeping me clean. I would hope you would choose to go natural. Because I have to live inside this body with the rest of my organ friends and we all work together for the same purpose. Your health. So for the sake of us all, you know, your kidneys and bladder and heart, keep us safe by using natural herbal supplements. It is for the best. Since we are on the same page and I have your attention, I am going to list a few key items I need to clean myself out and repair these damaged cells. I am going to add, drink more water too. I mean, your body is 70% water. Just put down the soda and drink more water. Throw a lemon in too, that will help me out by allowing me to release more water retention from all that salt.
The first and most important herb that mother earth offers me for a natural remedy to clean this liver and repair the damaged liver cells is Milk thistle. Man has never once been able to duplicate the power of milk thistle. Not only does it provide an excellent liver cleanse, it repairs the damaged cells in the liver. Milk thistle increases the production of bile which helps break down fats in the small intestine. Wouldn’t you agree it’s important for that to process to happen? Remember what I was saying about acne? Bile helps to remove the testosterone byproducts through your stool. Milk thistle also contains Silymarin. Silymarin is an extract of milk thistle and protects the liver cells from toxins. This protects the liver cells from damage. For instance, the alcohol you consumed. You may not think one or two alcoholic drinks would hurt me, your liver, but over time, it can.
While you’re at it, visit Jen Lambs website. She provides quality organic Milk thistle that is made fresh. Her stuff is made when you order it. It’s not sitting on the shelf for a year. That way we can both rest easy that we are getting the best. Because I am your liver and I deserve the best treatment possible. Because when you treat me well, I will pay you back with health and longevity. I wanted to mention as well. It sure would help if you picked up some dandelion root as well. It’s a natural diuretic and will help me flush out these harmful toxins faster. It’s also high in potassium so your body will receive nutrients while we clean. Your kidneys and bladder wanted me to mention that too. It’s located on the sunshine and herbs website as well and is 100% homemade, natural and organic. So please DO NOT EAT YOUR LIVER. Clean it instead. Thank you.

Your Liver

Monday, July 12, 2010

Liver Cleanse

The liver is a very large organ in the body that many functions that is vital to good health. Take a look at this webpage that discribes the liver and its function. Click here to view this page. Pay close attention to the gallblader as well.

Now that you see how important the liver is, you can be far more diligent in keeping it clean. A sluggish liver can cause all kinds of physical and emotional problems. One of the biggest is depression and acne. Why this happens is there becomes a overload of toxins in the body which is stored in the liver. As well as stress and other emotions we carry on a day to day basis.

Im going to list four great herbs that really help to clean out the liver in a months time. Now remember however, you are cleaning so you want to follow a strict diet of only healthy items, drink plenty of water and make sure you exercise to the point of a good sweat. Toxins are also released through our sweat and lungs.

Burdock is a blood purifier.It also clears congestion from the circulartory system,lymphatic system, respiratory system and urinary system. Burdock also helps to eliminate excess fluids in the body and stimulate the the elimination of toxic waste materials which helps to improve digestion.

Milk thistle is useful in treating cirrosis of the liver and other liver diaeases by repairing damaged liver cells. It also regulates the digestion of fats,helps stabolize blood sugar,cholestorol and reduces inflamation in the intestine.

Bupleurum is a used as tonic for the liver and circulatory system. It helps to improve a sluggish liver associated with emotional instability.It also has a tonic effect on the heart and lungs which makes it useful for improving respiration and circulation.

Yellow Dock
is used to repair a damaged liver due to liver disease.

For more information about herbs visit sunshine and herbs. Recieve more tips VIA email by adding your name and email address to the mailing list

Jen Lamb
sunshine and Herbs

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Liver Cleanse Ingredients

Every few months I like to do a liver cleanse. It really helps to clear up any skin problems that may have built up over weeks time. It also helps to create the bile needed for elimination. Another great liver cleanse reason is one of the main ingredients helps to rebuild the cells in the liver.

Here are the ingredients I use for this liver cleanse. I do switch it up from time to time but this month this is what I am using.

Buplerum- Chinese tonic herb for liver and circulatory system. It also helps with emotional instability due to a sluggish liver.

Milk Thistle-is used in the treatment of cirrhosis and liver poisening. It also regulates the digestion of fats,stabalizes bllod sugar and cholesterol and reduces inflamation in the intestine

Burdock Root- It helps eliminate excess fluids in the body and stimulate the elimination of toxic waste materials, which relieves liver disorders and improves digestion.

I picked these because after I stopped eating meat I wanted to finish cleasning my body of the by product. Next I will be doing a blood cleaner.

I will use the capsule supplements for 3 weeks, 3 times a day.

I make all these supplements if you would also like a liver cleanse. Or I can suggest a different combo that better suits your personal needs.

If you would like to save money by investing time to DIY, I can take you step by step through the entire process. Visit my website and under BULK HERBS you will find all the ingredients you need.

Jen Lamb
Sunshine and herbs

Monday, May 10, 2010

Detoxing the liver, why and how.

Detoxing the Liver

I hear so often from clients about being sluggish and tired. The first advice I always give in this case is to look at the eating habits and second is to detox all that junk out and start with a clean slate.

Sometimes it just seems easier to go to Mcdonalds and get the "easy" meal and think about it later. When later comes, your body has already rejected that decision and responds with a less than good result. This is when you become weighed down by the fat content, grease and carbs that are worthless.

I never suggest to stop eating out but there is always a way to do it better. When I meet with new clients i like to first take them to their favorite place and show them how to order a healthy meal. You can eat healthy, or better by simply making a few different choices. In the long run, your body will thank you by providing more energy to make it throught the day.

The second is the detox program. The liver plays a huge role in the way your body breaks down everything and rids itself of the waste. Here is a great blog explaining all the functions of the liver. You will be suprised at what you learn.

One of my biggest selling products is the Milk thistle. Milk thistle is just one part to my three part liver detox program. Milk thistle is an excellent herb used in the treatment of liver diseases such as cirrhosis and liver poisening. Its safe to use daily. There is no pharmaceutical equivalent. Milk thistle also regulates the digestion of fats and helps stabalize blood sugars. It also reduces inflamation of the intestine.

I often recomend milk thistle to recovering alcoholics, smokers and those looking to gain more energy through the cleansing of organs. Its a very effective herb in in helping acne,constipation, Chrohns disease and irritable bowel syndrome.

Visit my website for more information on how you can use nature to help cleanse your body and free you from the sluggish day to day.

Jen Lamb
sunshine and Herbs